Today, I get the absolute pleasure of turning this

- into THIS.

Welcome back to Episode 3 of Productivity Projects, the series where I get the pleasure of upgrading someone's home set up by gifting them a new desk, kindly provided by Ergo Desks along with services from a very kind sponsor, WeVPN. Links are in the description below, there's a £10 off to get your own Desk too if you just want that, otherwise - let's get going with Episode 3!
Like many, Rachel has been working from home over the last 18 months, and still, to this day, she is working from an old, rickety, very wobbly desk come shelving unit type thing.
It's not ideal, and definitely not practical. So we got rid of the old desk. We threw it out.
And replaced it, with this brand new, Ergo Desks Atlas Mini, which is literally the smallest electric desk I've ever come across.

Now this was picked specifically for the space Rachel has as there's not enough space for a standard 80cm deep desk, but this 60cm deep desk fits perfectly and with enough space to comfortably fit everything you need.
I built the desk with her husband, James, as a bit of a surprise for her, and even James was sceptical of using a standing desk.
But it took him about 5 seconds of actually using one before he changed his mind!
Using a standing desk is really, really good for you. It keeps your blood circulating, and keeps you active whilst moving on your feet, which in turn puts in you a better mood and it actually helps you concentrate more whilst working. Do you ever find yourself pacing up and down when you're on a phone call?
Well, it's the same with a standing desk and I personally find it really useful when on video calls, to be able to stand up and think and speak on my feet, rather than being stuck in the same chair all day.
The first thing I normally hear is 'I don't want to stand up all day!'
But genuinely, I find myself standing up in the morning whilst I've got a bit more energy. And in the afternoon I'll sit down to recover from my belly full of lunch.
Now I haven't, unfortunately, got the budget to upgrade Rachels computer setup and as all of this errr, modern equipment is provided by her work, I can't actually do much about it.
But what I can do is also provide her with some tip top security from WeVPN who, right now are probably the only VPN Company I'd trust, and now Rachel can browse the web safely, and use the video streaming feature of WeVPN to watch 400+ streaming services from anywhere in the world.
Genuinely, I know this is a sponsored post, but WeVPN genuinely had the fastest VPN transfer speeds that I've ever seen in ANY VPN that I tested. So much so I'm going to have to re-run my whole VPN comparison tests in a video coming soon so, subscribe to my channel for that bag of fun.
Back to the desk itself, this is a slim desk, it's 1m wide by 60cm deep.
It can lift up to 120kg which is... James whilst holding a 10-year-old child. 10-year-old child not included.

And because no desk is complete without some lighting - we stuck a good old trusty philips hue LED strip on the back of the desk, which just finishes this whole desk setup off quite nicely in a kind of pimp my desk vibe.
HP, Logitech, Dell, LG, anyone - I'd love to sort out the mess of a computer monitor and probably upgrade the keyboard, mouse, probably even the laptop too - so whenever you're ready?
Otherwise Thank you to Ergo Desks for the desk, use the link below to get £10 off your purchase of one, and I'll see you in the next one! Cheers.
🛒 Get £10 off your first Ergodesk order