⚡️ VidSummit Was Epic!

Our first VidSummit - of many!

💬 In this week's issue:

  • What is VidSummit? And what was it like?
  • Favourite Stuff. Advanced preview of what I've been using/reviewing
  • Latest Videos. Catch up on the latest videos on the channel

🤦🏼‍♂️ Introduction

Image Courtesy of Author

So Chris and I headed out to LA this week to attend the 10th annual VidSummit. It was our first time and we LOVED it!

Although we never got used to the 8hour time difference, we powered through the first day and saw some fantastic speakers: Ryan Trahan, HopeScope and Hayden Hillier-Smith who shared their wisdom and success! We also got to try the MrBeast Burgers for the first time! They were pretty decent but they were churning out hundreds of them so I'm not sure we got the 'best batch'!

Chris also got to meet one of his favourite YouTubers, Randy Santel, who was there with Katina Eats Kilos! I let him have his fanboy moment...

Image Courtesy of Author

It was such an incredible and overwhelming experience: learning incredible things from hugely successful YouTubers and other guest speakers 'in the know', networking, meeting brands and hanging out with the coolest people!

We are definitely looking forward to getting our heads together tomorrow and putting into action all the things we learnt last week!

On another note, we are super stoked that our new format of videos, '10 reasons X is better than Y' is doing really well, with the latest one hitting over 20k views in just over 2 days! Whoop!

🗞 Favourite Things

  • Having been in LA for the last week, having the epic M2 MacBook Pro with me has been a lifesaver! With the hotel Wifi being total crap, working on my Fold 4 was pretty much a no-go, so having the MacBook Pro by my side was perfect. So powerful, so portable! Love it!
  • That said, I've been snapping a bunch of pictures on the iPhone 14 Pro Max during VidSummit and the photos are pretty glorious! This thing is just a beast of a phone, and the battery is SO GOOD! I was using my phone a fair bit to take notes, pictures, videos, etc, during the event and there was still plenty of juice left in the tank come evening time!
  • Not to mention the Samsung Galaxy Fold 4 which has been my second carry since I got it! Honestly, I think I'm totally sold on this. Phone-tablet-tablet-phone; it's just super versatile!

📱Giveaway Update

Here's an update for the giveaway

Just being subscribed to this Newsletter gives you a chance at winning something every month!

This month is a pair of Edifier MR4 Studio monitors, and we may also have a second prize coming very soon!

🎥 This week's videos

Highlights of the latest videos published on the channel
  1. Forget the iPhone 14 | Fold 4 Review


10 Ways iPhone 14 Pro Max is Better than Galaxy S22 Ultra


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About the author

Pete Matheson

Lifelong Tips, Tricks & Tech Reviews. Sign up to see behind the scenes of a 160k+ Subscriber YouTube Channel.

Pete Matheson

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