⚡️We Survived the Slump!

Recovering from a rough month on the channel

💬 In this week's issue:

  • Battery Fatigue. Why I'm tired of charging!
  • Favourite Stuff. Advanced preview of what I've been using/reviewing
  • Latest Videos. Catch up on the latest videos on the channel

🤦🏼‍♂️ Introduction

Following a tremendously crap few weeks on the channel, with videos tanking on the views front, I'm SO stoked that, this week, we've had some success with our Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra - 4 Months Later video! 40k views in 2 days... ANNNNNND we're back in business baby!

Honestly, phew. I was worried there for a bit; nearly started putting my resume/CV together! Haha!

I think though that it's made me realise that we really do need to spend more time in the planning stages of our content strategy. I recently watched an interview with Paddy Galloway who really places emphasis on channels spending LOTS of time in the planning stage, before moving on to scripting. We've got a pretty good system here a channel Pete Matheson but we can definitely do better! Especially with coming up with ideas that have great potential.

On that note, it would be great if you could reply to us and let us know what content YOU would like to see on the channel, going forward! Coming up with lots of good ideas is tiresome work!

Speaking of tiredness; I've definitely been feeling the 'battery fatigue' lately. Being a tech obsessive, I regularly wear the Whoop Strap, Oura Ring, Apple Watch Ultra and, more recently, the Garmin Fenix 7x. So keeping these devices charged can be a real challenge. I'm trying really hard at the minute to streamline and simplify my life: with smart home tech, my personal tech, and my work-related tech and systems; but keeping on top of all of this is probably more exhausting than having very little or no tech at all!

But I suppose that's the curse of a tech YouTuber!

So naturally, I've bought more tech! Haha!

It's ok though, this one doesn't require being worn on the wrist or kept in the pocket! I've just ordered the Samsung G9 OLED for an upcoming video on the channel and I'm really excited for this one. It'll be different (I don't do a lot of screens/monitors) for the channel but, historically, my screen and monitor content does extremely well on the affiliate side of things! I've actually sold more than a quarter of a million dollars in Samsung monitors from just having a couple of videos on my channel!

🗞 Favourite Things

🎥 This week's video

Highlights of the latest videos published on the channel

Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra - LONG TERM REVIEW


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About the author

Pete Matheson

Lifelong Tips, Tricks & Tech Reviews. Sign up to see behind the scenes of a 160k+ Subscriber YouTube Channel.

Pete Matheson

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