🏆 Hiring my Best Friend

🏆 Hiring my Best Friend

I hired my first full-time employee!

He starts late next month, and I can't wait.

Watch the video below for more on what's going on behind the scenes and why I've now joined #TeamPixel !

Behind the scenes on my YouTube last month!

💬 In this week's issue:

  • Expanding. Why I'm really excited to hire one of my best friends
  • Favourite Stuff. A list of all the favourite tech I've been using this month
  • Latest Videos. Catch up on the latest videos on the channel

MSP Business Owners - I've moved the Business content to a separate newsletter. 👇🏼

🗞 Favourite Tech

🎥 Latest Videos

Highlights of the latest videos published on the channel
1Password launches 1Password 8 for Mac with a REALLY nice new feature (I use it all the time)
This monitor light bar actually fits my G9 49" Ultrawide screen!
Where to store all of your mobile photos and videos
One of the most flagship of all flagship phones I've reviewed! 

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About the author
Pete Matheson

Pete Matheson

Lifelong Tips, Tricks & Tech Reviews. Sign up to see behind the scenes of a 160k+ Subscriber YouTube Channel.

Pete Matheson

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